A Catholic Woman and Her Thoughts on Life, the Universe, and Everything
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

I finally saw the DVD of the film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" - my parish priest had actually recommended it, believe it or not. But then again, Fr. Wayne also likes pro wrestling, so what does he know? My son gave me this movie for Christmas. It's taken me 4 months to be "in the mood" to watch what I thought was going to be a gruesome horror movie - well, silly me!

It's not gruesome. It *is* horrible, though, watching the terrible things that happen to Emily Rose as she goes through the torments inflicted on her. Knowing that the story is based on true events made everything much more frightening.

Just a few nits to pick - I wished that they had included a little bit more information about the actual case at the end - such as the "when/where". I can see why they didn't want to release the girl's name. But everyone knows that now anyway.... I just think it would have helped the movie viewer to have a simple statement, such as "The film is based on the true story of Anneliese Michel, a young German woman who died in 1976. She believed she was possessed by six or more demons, and after 4 years of medical and inpatient psychiatric treatment, she turned to the Church for help. She died after a series of exorcisms (the Church said she was released from the demons just before she died, peacefully, btw). The autopsy report stated that her death was caused by the malnutrition and dehydration that resulted from almost a year of semi-starvation. Other theories suggest she might have suffocated due to side-effects of the powerful drugs she took."

The film was so much more simplistic than even these basic facts. In the film, Emily has only one session of exorcism. We never see the priest apply for permission from his bishop - nor do we see the extensive requirements for exorcism which the Church requires - such as ruling out medical and psychiatric causes for the "symptoms" BEFORE permission will be granted for the rite of exorcism. I really wish that this had been made more clear. But over all - movie is very well done - and the point is very well made. As a MOVIE - keep in mind this is a VERY fictionalized account of what actually happened. Check out the links below for more information regarding the real case.

As for Hollywood - Maybe the lawyer's closing statements to the jury says it all - "possibilities" - these are all they can really expect the modern public to look at. The lawyer tells the jury that it's not the facts of the case we need to look at, but the possibilities - and the possibility being raised here is that maybe evil isn't just the absence of good, or the making of poor choices - maybe evil is also an active force in the world. Maybe there really are demons - and they really do hate us - and they really do prowl the world seeking the ruin of our souls. And maybe their best weapon of all is the fact that even so-called "people of faith" - like the Prosecutor - don't believe in them any more, don't even accept the possibility that they exist. God is love. And there's no room for the Devil any more, unless he's a special effect. Are you sure? This film asks you to wonder... Trust me - there isn't anything to wonder about. There is no "maybe". Learn the St. Michael Prayer by heart.


St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into Hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.